Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

30 August 2013

Create a Great Blog Title

We all know, writing a blog title with a target keyword in it is the right thing to do. This creates a buzz for those keywords. Some even create the title after they finish writing the content. From SEO point of view, the title and content should be relevant. Topics that are created based on the theme of the site work pretty good from SEO point of view.

I firmly believe, if you create a title, the best practice is to keep the demand of the users in mind. Before creating a title just go to the ‘Google instant search’ tool. Search with your topic you want to write for. For example, you want to write a blog on honeymoon destinations. So now, when you search on the same, you see Google suggests the following key taglines for the topic. This is a great way to figure out what the search trend is like.

search term

A great way to find out the right topic for a certain piece of content would be to take cue from Google. This not only matches the latest search trends but also, helps you to understand user behavior. 

search term

17 July 2013

How to add/submit Sitemap.xml for Blogger/blogspot Blog

We all know sitemap.xml is important for our blog or website. There are many free or paid tools for creating sitemap.xml for your website or blog. But as per my knowledge you cannot submit a sitemap.xml file in your blogspot blog. After a long research I got that Idea “How to submit sitemap.xml in my blospot blog?”
Okay let’s start from step one.
Step: 1
Login in to your webmaster central.

Step: 2
Select your blogspot blog.
Step: 3
Click on sitemaps.
webmaster sitemap

Step: 4
         Click ADD/TEST SITEMAP.

Step: 5
         Enter this [atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500] text on that box.

sitemap+add in webmaster tools

If you have more than 500 post or less than 1000 post then use this [atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=501&max-results=1000] text on that box.

Step: 6Then click Submit Sitemap
sitemap index in webmaster tools