19 November 2013

Facebook Chat Option Update

Facebook Chat Option Update. Now you can know from which device your friends are using Facebook by checking the chat box status.

Facebook Chat Option

5 October 2013

New Version Of Penguin Live

AKA Penguin 2.1

Penguin 5 (AKA Penguin 2.1) on Oct. 4, 2013 (impacting around 1% of queries)
For details Read Google blog

30 August 2013

Create a Great Blog Title

We all know, writing a blog title with a target keyword in it is the right thing to do. This creates a buzz for those keywords. Some even create the title after they finish writing the content. From SEO point of view, the title and content should be relevant. Topics that are created based on the theme of the site work pretty good from SEO point of view.

I firmly believe, if you create a title, the best practice is to keep the demand of the users in mind. Before creating a title just go to the ‘Google instant search’ tool. Search with your topic you want to write for. For example, you want to write a blog on honeymoon destinations. So now, when you search on the same, you see Google suggests the following key taglines for the topic. This is a great way to figure out what the search trend is like.

search term

A great way to find out the right topic for a certain piece of content would be to take cue from Google. This not only matches the latest search trends but also, helps you to understand user behavior. 

search term

17 July 2013

How to add/submit Sitemap.xml for Blogger/blogspot Blog

We all know sitemap.xml is important for our blog or website. There are many free or paid tools for creating sitemap.xml for your website or blog. But as per my knowledge you cannot submit a sitemap.xml file in your blogspot blog. After a long research I got that Idea “How to submit sitemap.xml in my blospot blog?”
Okay let’s start from step one.
Step: 1
Login in to your webmaster central.

Step: 2
Select your blogspot blog.
Step: 3
Click on sitemaps.
webmaster sitemap

Step: 4
         Click ADD/TEST SITEMAP.

Step: 5
         Enter this [atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500] text on that box.

sitemap+add in webmaster tools

If you have more than 500 post or less than 1000 post then use this [atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=501&max-results=1000] text on that box.

Step: 6Then click Submit Sitemap
sitemap index in webmaster tools

6 July 2013

Effectiveness of Forum posting

Forum posting/commenting is a great way to -build links for a site. The trick of this process depends on your execution strategy.  Most of the good back links come from forums. So, directly or indirectly you will get visitor/users from forums. I think getting a back link to you from a good post of a high authority forum site is called a quality forum back link.

Here is a little guidance on How to do forum?

Collect lists of theme relevant site/domain with high domain authority. If the forum site is not your niche, I don’t think it will be valuable for you or your site. After collecting your list of forum sites, check the activity of that forum site. Make sure the site has current and frequent activities Or not? And another point is, is that forum site is providing follow link? These are the suggestions you need to check out.

If everything is good then create a profile. And the profile should be complete with picture, signature (if that site allow) and a good bio.

And the next step is starting the introductory conversation honestly. Begin slowly but participate effectively. Whenever, you are starting commenting do not give the link in every single post. Actively participate in existing forum discussions and share your valuable opinions and tips.

Some of the forum sites allow signature from the first post and some of the sites allow signature after some good post. Forum signature is helpful in building SERP as well as giving referral traffic.

26 April 2013

How to build an effective landing page?

We are going to describe the basic overview of what a perfect landing page is..

The Headline:
Every page must have a heading. According to online surveys; users spend only eight seconds to read your heading.  Your page headline should be appealing. Make sure you understand why the user lands on your page and what you should offer them as soon as they visit.

Without a heading, your visitor will be confused. Provide context for your landing page with a clear headline.

Content and copy:
The landing page content should be optimized on the basis of the headline of the page. The content further explain clearly, what the offer is and why your visitor will sign up or buy your product. Appealing content with lucid language will make it easy for your users to understand the landing page. You can brief about the offer/product with few bullet points or in a paragraph. You should highlight geo-location of the offer for your target audience.

The landing page image should be relevant and interactive. The image should match the landing page headline. When user comes to the landing page, they should understand the meaning from that image.

The layout should be clear, understandable and offer clarity. Make some important points with bold, italic and highlighted attributes. 

Landing page example

Every point of landing page should be clear, concise and relevant to your services or products.

Your main goal is to fill the form and get happy leads from the landing page. And you have to attract visitor to your landing page. Make sure if you are targeting to get leads, no need to show the navigation. Because user can move to other page by clicking to the navigation links. Add a link to privacy policy to help users to go through the questions and answer.

Meta or snippet:
Meta description and title is the main factor and it will show up in SERP. Write short and simple description for your product within less than 150 characters.

snippet example

The form:
This is the main part or goal of the landing page. There are two types of forms- long and short form. Short form can offer more leads but the extended form can offer higher quality lead for you.

Share link:
Add social media share button on the landing page. Also share the page in Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google +. Hope you will get more leads from it.

28 March 2013

Idea about Local Listing

After browsing some web pages I thought about Local listing or Google places. Actually a few days ago my boss was asking me to make a strategy for Google places promotion or optimization.  Now local listing is very helpful for business as well as online branding.

So what can you do to improve your listing in local SERP?

First of all make proper On-Page for the web page. Use title like (location plus (+) keywords), use heading tag like (brand name + keyword + location) and use localize content.

Try to achieve back links from local business directory.

Setup Google places properly.

To start creating your local business listing in google, you should go to the Google Places and sign in with your Google account. Follow the instruction

Select the country and give the correct phone no

Google places country select

Give the site name, little description about your business and categories. Chose the perfect categories.

google places description

I have given 3 boxes in here; you have to  fill the total form, like current local address, timing payment options. And you can add picture and videos.

After adding the address, Google navigator will point out a section in Google map. If that is not the location that you seek, then you can change it. Just drag and drop location pointer in to the selected area.

It may take nearly, 2 weeks to get the verification letter. A Google post card will come to your mentioned address. In some countries, the verification can be done by the given phone no. And this is a quick process.
The easiest ways to get the ranking for google local listing in Google SERP are usage of schema-creator.org and hcard to markup your address and business information and for better ranking. Here is a demo

Schema creator firm

But keep in mind to use the same address on the  Google places that you have used on your website contact page. You can use the  (schema) code to display the address in your contact us page.

I hope this will get you good result/ranking in SERP quickly. 

13 March 2013

Understand Your Business And Your Audience

Hello guys, I am managing more than twenty projects each month. Most of the sites are understandable but some of are fairly tricky.

Some of our clients ask as to utilize their website information to get them ranking or business of different field. So the executives need to  understand their clients. So before starting work, you should confirm some things. 

What are the goals of your website and your business?
Yes, you should know what the goal of the site is, and what your client expects from you. Ultimately, most of the clients are looking for business. And the best way to build a business is to increase visitors.

If they are providing any product/services you should understand the demand of specific product or services. For example “shopping”. It covers a huge range of products. So, you need to understand in which area of shopping is your client interested in building business.

What goals are you targeting?
Every website has a goal. Figure out which page you want to target to bring visitors to your website. No need to target every page. Target those pages on which the site is depending. If you don’t have the product or specific services page, then you should create a new page on the basis of the product.

Target location
This is the one of the most important  parts for your business. Talk with your clients about about the targeted areas or targeted audience. And discuss why  targeting international market is a good idea? Target the specific areas or selected areas.

Influence of browsing equipment
Now mobile and tablet user is increasing. So if your product is related to mobile apps, any application software, or if it has something to do with computers, you should think about attracting these specific audiences. Create the browsing platform depending on your services or products.

Use your website content to offer information
Information is the tool for internet business success. Write informative and relevant content. Search engines always want to show relevant query result.

For example if you are providing sugar crm services, then your web page content should be providing relevant information on what is sugar crm.

Talk about these things with your client and the clear the confusion. Because if you are not fully clear about the project or website, I think, you cannot make a good decision for your internet business.